Do You Need a Gutter Replacement?

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Although your gutters are designed to last a long time, they will eventually wear out and need to be replaced. When that time comes, you can turn to our team at Batson’s Gutter Systems to get the expert gutter replacement services you require. In this article, our team will go over a few signs to look for in order to determine whether your gutters need to be replaced.

Do You Need a Gutter Replacement?

  • Cracking. One sign that you likely need a gutter replacement is the presence of cracks in your existing gutters. The purpose of your gutters is to divert rainwater safely away from your siding and foundation, so if they develop leaks, they are effectively useless. While it’s possible to repair one or two cracks in your gutters, if your gutters have numerous cracks, it’s time to replace them.
  • Mildew Growth. Another sign that your gutters are not working properly is mildew or mold growth on your siding or even inside your attic. These damaging organisms thrive on dampness and moisture, so if they show up on your siding, roof, or attic, it means you have a moisture problem, and one of the most likely causes for such problems is failing gutters. If you develop a mold or mildew problem, we encourage you to consider getting a gutter replacement.
  • Peeling Paint. A third sign that you may need a gutter replacement is peeling paint on your exterior. This is yet another indicator that water is leaking out of your gutters, so if you notice this issue develop on your siding, we encourage you to give us a call.