Why Would You Want Copper Gutters?

HomeBlogWhy Would You Want Copper Gutters?

Copper gutters have become quite the rage. But why would you want copper gutters? There are many reasons why copper gutters have become so popular. One of those is durability. Copper can withstand excess heat and extreme cold without warping. Copper gutters do not rust, meaning you don’t have to worry about the breakdown of your gutters, which saves you money, time, and energy trying to keep them in good shape. Additionally, copper gutters can last up to 50 years, at least, with proper maintenance.

Why Would You Want Copper Gutters?

Copper is also environmentally friendly. It does not cause damage to the environment, and it is naturally produced. It does not deplete precious resources as it can be recycled repeatedly. While copper gutters cost more initially, the return on investment is well worth it for the lifespan of copper gutters. Plus, they add style and decoration to your home, enhancing the curb appeal and the overall aesthetic.

Did you know, copper is a natural fungicide and algaecide? This means copper gutters naturally keep away the build-up of algae, moss, or fungus often seen on homes and in gutters in moist climates. There is also a question of whether copper will eventually change color. The answer is, yes. Like the Statue of Liberty, copper gutters can start to develop a patina. However, this does not detract from the effectiveness and the classic look that copper gutters offer.

Here at Batson’s Gutter Systems, we are extremely knowledgeable about copper gutters and have years of experience allowing us to give you the best copper gutter information and installation.